
For Mizzou Residential Life

I created this graphic for the University of Missouri Department of Residential Life, using multiple approved graphics (the state of Missouri shape, the asterisk and an approved font for the word “home”. The asterisk’s center is approximately the location of Columbia within the state of Missouri. This graphic has been used by Residential Life for their Facebook profile image, and on selected marketing materials aimed at students to live and remain living on campus.

Missouri Home mark


Memorial Union Architecture

“Signs, Symbols, and Seals”

Memorial Union Architecture & Sculptures Display

This display showcases both the history and symbolic nature of the Memorial Student Union, located on the University of Missouri campus. I collaborated with a student research assistant with the Museum of Art and Archaeology to create this piece that is on permanent display in the North Wing of Memorial Student Union. All 12 pieces were printed on PVC material, and the actual final size is eight feet wide by five feet tall.

Museum of Art and Archaeology webpage

“Sound Gift Ideas”

Sennheiser® Sale


Social media graphic to promote a Sennheiser headphones sale. I developed the theme and design for the promotion. Additional marketing elements included in-store signs, website banners and email graphics.

This marketing promotion occurred during the traditional holiday sales season.

Background image provided by Sennheiser. The company’s wordmark was required to be included in the design.

Sound Gift Ideas